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Week 8

 Creating video reviews 


Students explore platforms for sharing video reviews, brush up their searching skills, and create criteria for good video reviews.

Materials/Steps : Exploring video review platforms and how to create a video review

Remind students that they have to create two video reviews (of either a product or a media).  


​​Note: The instructions and criteria for the assignments are available at …xxx… 


Explain the focuses of the lesson, that they are on exploring video review platforms, and analysing existing video reviews to create criteria for successful video review.​


Ask students what video sharing sites they know and let them discuss how the platforms work. 


Ask students to discuss how they can search for video reviews to watch. Some examples:


  • Go to specific video sharing platforms (e.g. and enter keywords in the search box to search.  

  • Use Google video search (which includes Youtube video results). Not only it shows results from different websites, but it also allows users to narrow search results by using the filters (e.g. length and video quality). See the [handout] for more details. 



Students search for some video reviews to watch (both product and media reviews).  


Have students distinguish 3 common presentation styles in the videos 


  • Which reviews use snapshots/videos of the object (the product/the movie scenes) being reviewed?  

  • Which reviews include the videos of the reviewer him/herself? 

  • Which reviews use the voiceover (instead the videos of the reviewer)? 

  • Which styles do you like the most? Why? 


Materials/steps: Creating criteria for successful video review

In groups of 3-5, students do a search of video reviews, watch the videos, and choose 5 videos that they like. 


Students analyse the videos, decide what make the videos successful, and create criteria for successful video review from the chosen models.  


Each group then presents their criteria to the class and explain the followings: 


  • The keywords used to search for the videos 

  • How they come up with the list of the criteria 

  • Give examples (from the videos) to illustrate each criterion

  • Students share their criteria on an online platform (e.g. Padlet).   



School of Liberal Arts

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

126 Pracha-Uthit Rd Bangmod, Thungkru Bangkok 10140 Thailand

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