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Principles of languaging and the languaging curriculum

The review course

The hobby course

The wikipedia course


Watson Todd, R., & Rangsarittikun, R. (2021). The hobby course: towards a languaging curriculum. ELT Journal, 76(3), 387–395.


Watson Todd, R. and Towns, S. G. (2021).

"For the world to see and learn": Motivating learners through purposeful writing. In Miller, L. and Wu, J. G. (eds.) Language Learning with Technology: Perspectives from Asia. Springer.

Rangsarittikun, R., & Watson Todd, R. (2022). The languaging curriculum in practice: Communicating successfully on social media. RELC Journal, 1-8.

Rangsarittikun, R. (2022) Jumping on the bandwagon: Thai students’ perceptions and practices of implementing Google Translate in their EFL classrooms. English Teaching & Learning.

School of Liberal Arts

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

126 Pracha-Uthit Rd Bangmod, Thungkru Bangkok 10140 Thailand

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