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Week 3

 Learning to write text reviews 


Students analyse existing product reviews, and explore platforms for writing the reviews. 

Materials/Steps : Analysing how people write product reviews

Gaining an overview of a product review. Discuss the followings in the class: 

  • Why do people write a product review? 

  • Do you read reviews before buying things? Why or why not? 

  •  What makes a product review good or bad? Can you find some examples of good and bad reviews of products? [Handout      ] 


Ask students to explore and share platforms for writing reviews of a product. 


Note: Once students finish, teachers may ask students to share their answers in the class. 


Explain that there is flexibility in writing product reviews, depending on (1) platforms and (2) types of the products. Then, ask students to find 3 product reviews, analyse writing styles in product reviews (i.e. how people write product reviews), and share the results in the classroom. While analysing, students use an online tool for sentiment analysis (e.g.,, and to see if the results match the ratings of the products.  Some writing styles of product reviews:


Note: In both and (

,students can check overall sentiment, tone, or emotional feeling of input texts.) 



In the handout     , students analyse what people write in their reviews. Some examples: 

  • Product descriptions (e.g. colours and price) 

  • Customer experiences (satisfactions and dissatisfactions) 

  • Conclusion (usually includes some recommendations for potential buyers) 


Explain that they will analyse useful words and phrases next week using 


Homework: Students review the lesson on how to use [Hobby course lesson 8] 


School of Liberal Arts

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

126 Pracha-Uthit Rd Bangmod, Thungkru Bangkok 10140 Thailand

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