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Lesson Plan for Teachers

 Wikipedia course lesson 9 

Writing the Lead Section

Task 1

Purpose: This task is to write the “summary” lead section

Background information:

By this point, students should have the main bulk of their article written. Now, they should focus on the first section of a Wikipedia article: the Lead Section. This section should be a one-paragraph summary of the rest of the article. All sections of the article should be represented in the paragraph. The handout this week includes a table that asks students to write a one sentence summary of each section to aid this task.


In addition, the students should consult their model article to see how the lead section is written. For example, the first sentence of a Wikipedia page is always a simple definition of the topic, and they follow the same pattern, “Topic is a ___”


Activity stages:


The following guides from Wikipedia give hints and tips for how to create a good Lead Section.

Handouts: Writing the Lead Section


School of Liberal Arts

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

126 Pracha-Uthit Rd Bangmod, Thungkru Bangkok 10140 Thailand

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