Lesson Plan for Teachers
Hobby course lesson 5
This lesson involves students making use of tools to search for videos to watch, and analysing and identifying characteristics of successful tutorial videos.
Task 1: Choosing videos to watch (Step 1)
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to help students to be able to use effective search techniques to search for videos
Background information:
Activity stages
Explain that the focus of the lesson is on searching videos about a hobby to watch
Classroom survey: How students choose videos to watch (https://forms.gle/RTtMdEeLvMiguKti6)
Ask students to discuss search engines they use to search for videos
Ask students to search for the followings:
How to make a catapult (with three different materials). All videos must include closed captions (cc) and the length of each vide must be no more than four minutes
How to make a catapult with popsicle sticks from three different websites
Ask for some volunteers to share how they search for the videos
Show them how to search using Google’s video search (see handout)
Handouts: How to search for videos (https://3d527928-cc79-4ee7-9c10-b738b111b2fd.filesusr.com/ugd/c7cbef_c07362a383c54c43803712a2e1831ed5.pdf)
Task 2: Creating criteria for successful tutorial videos (Step 2)
Purpose: This activity aims to support students in having criteria for choosing model videos about their hobby
Background information:
Activity stages
Show the survey results to students
In breakout rooms, students discuss how to elicit the results to create criteria for successful videos about a hobby
Give students 10-15 minutes to find their favourite tutorial videos about their hobby. Students are encouraged to pay attention to what they think make the videos become their favourite/successful tutorial videos.
Ask students to elicit characteristics of successful tutorial videos from the survey results and from their favourite videos to create a list of criteria for successful tutorial videos.
Ask students to evaluate the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BATWfPjr3MI) based on their criteria
Ask for some volunteers to explain how the video meets the criteria (with some explanations)
Handouts: -