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Lesson Plan for Teachers

 Hobby course lesson 1 

This lesson aims to provide students the overview and key concepts of the course, and to help students choose a hobby to do in the course. Through the following tasks, materials, and activities, students will develop their understanding of the course structure and assessments, and are able to decide which hobby to do in the course from the guidelines and criteria.

Task 1: Introduction to hobbies (Step 1) 

Purpose: This task involves an ice breaker activity aimed at introducing students to issues related to a hobby.  

Background information: -  

Activity stages 

  • Have students explain what counts as a ‘hobby’. Give them the following questions to discuss in the class: (1) what is a hobby? (2) do you have a hobby? (3) how can you learn from your hobby? 

  • The discussion can be done either on a real-time collaborative web platform or as a whole class discussion 



Task 2: Introduction to experiential learning (Step 2) 

Purpose: The aim of this activity is to introduce experiential learning to students, so that they understand what the course involves and its main teaching approach. 

Background information: Experiential learning is a learning process that focuses on “students learning by doing” and by “reflecting on the experience”. Experiential learning primarily includes (1) reflection (2) critical analysis and synthesis (3) opportunities to make a decision.  

Activity stages 

  • Give a summary of what the term is and how it is related to the hobby course 


Answers/models/note: The hobby course, through the experiential learning perspective, views learning as the product of real-world experience combined with reflection on the experience. 

Task 3: Survey (Step 3) 

Purpose: This survey of how students use their free time is intended to help students reflect on what things they enjoy doing and skills required in the activities. This is so they can get some ideas for choosing a hobby to do in the course. 

Background information: -  

Activity stages 

  • Ask students to think about what they enjoy doing in their free time. 

  • Students complete an online survey form (e.g. Google Forms) by indicating how they spend their free time with necessary skills involved in doing the activity.   

  • Show the results to the class.  

  • Choose some activities to illustrate how such activities can possibly be associated with a hobby. Teacher elicit responses from students. 



Task 4: Lists of hobbies (Steps 4-5) 

Purpose: This is expected to help students, especially those who do not yet have a hobby, to explore a range of hobbies to do in the course.  

Background information: There are some hobbies that require specific skills. Teachers should encourage students to consider hobbies that are relevant to what they do in their free time. 

Activity stages 

  • Give them 10 minutes to go through the lists. 

  • Explain that students are going to work in pairs. Then, ask students to use a random number generator (e.g. to pick a hobby from either the notsoboringlife list or the less usual hobbies list. 

  • Give students 10 minutes to work in pairs to find information on the randomly selected hobby.  

  • In addition to general description of the hobbies, each pair should be able to compare and contrast skills necessary to do the hobbies.  

  • Ask for volunteers to share the results. 

Handouts: Less usual hobbies (available on the website) 

Answers/models/note: The information about the hobby can be, for example, origin of the hobby, types of the hobby (e.g. outdoor recreation, collecting, and creative hobby), and tools/equipment to do the hobby. 

Task 5: Choosing a hobby (Steps 6-8) 

Purpose: The main goal of this task is to help students find an appropriate hobby based on the given criteria. 

Background information: These criteria are expected to help students decide which hobby to pursue. As such, it is compulsory to choose a hobby that follows the criteria to ensure that students can continue doing the chosen hobby throughout the course, that they will have resources to do the hobby, and that they will have enough exposure to English inputs. 

Activity stages 

  • Explain that the students’ hobby needs to match the criteria 

  • Give students the link to the self-checklist and ask students to evaluate the randomly selected hobby based on the criteria (

Handouts: PPT and “My Hobby” form 


Homework: Complete the “My Hobby” form 

Purpose: This homework aims to help students choose a hobby to do in the course. More specifically, this will help students to see whether the choices of a hobby are similar to those of their classmates (the activity for the following week).  

Background information:

Activity stages 

  • When assigning the homework, encourage students to use the self-checklist (to check whether the hobbies match the criteria) before filling in the form 


Handouts: Printable form (  


School of Liberal Arts

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi

126 Pracha-Uthit Rd Bangmod, Thungkru Bangkok 10140 Thailand

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